
Movements Whispers about me See my posse ... Poetry ... More poetry Writings Sites I'ld like you to see Guest Book My other sites Insect pic's Photograph's My nest


I've started this site a while ago , when I still could'nt work with Dreamweaver and the likes.
So I've used this "Build your site in a night!" program to mark my spot on the "webmap".

Now I can do better, so I did .... quite a few actually *grin*.
Well what more is there to tell ?
Wanna know about me ? OK, I will fill one page with an incredibly short biography .. and lotsa pictures.
But .. who wants to know ?

Why this site ?

I can't tell you yet , but from time to time I'll probably write a bit about what's going on in my head.
For now the cranes link to my FIRST DUTCH SITE !!!

You, the visitor, and myself, are just ships , passing in the night.
23417 <---This many ships past my island.

This is me ...
Click me to see my art ..

Looking for peace ?

Don't we all want peace ?
Peace in our countries..
Peace in our homes..
Peace in our families..
and peace in our hearts & souls.
Meditation helps you to grow...

Click the clouds for my (stock) photographs:



~The Ocean~

See the splendour of the sea....
Hear the calming sound of the waves singing their never ending song of life's circle.
Do you want to know more about the ocean ?
Then click the picture of the sea.
You will need Flash though....
Movements of the Mind